Olive Life's™ original Australian founders began their journey in Spain, Italy and Greece in 1974, where they discovered the many beneficial properties of fresh olive leaf extract, a natural remedy used in this region, famed for its Mediterranean diet.  While it was fresh news to them, they had actually stumbled on a health secret more than 4,000 years old.  

Naturally, they wanted to bring this age-old remedy to the New World, and so, after 15 years of research, Olive Leaf Australia (OLA) was born in 1994.  After many years trialling different varieties of Olea europaea (olive trees), they found the perfect varieties to provide the highest possible levels of antioxidant polyphenols in the olive leaf, perfect for use in its health giving properties. 

Over the next few decades, as their businesses and farms grew to over 800,000 olive trees, their high-strength natural olive leaf products gained a passionate following in Australia and more recently around the world.  Now called Olive Life™, our Olive Leaf Extract remains the market leading olive leaf extract in Australia, renowned for its high quality, natural and pure credentials. 


We have four founding beliefs that are still our guiding principles today:


We believe in the well-researched properties of the olive leaf, and that nature knows best.


Our high quality extract is grown in nature and verified by science.  Our environment is our 'plant'.


We will treasure our natural environment and do everything in our power to protect it.


We believe in harnessing the time-honoured uses of the olive leaf in traditional Western medicine for modern wellness.



Our Proud History


Pure sunshine, pure soil, pure water

After a long search, our founders discovered the perfect environment to grow healthy olive trees in Queensland on the edge of Austalia's renowned 'Great Artesian Basin'.  Nutrient-rich soils, artesian water and plentiful sunshine all added up to the perfect conditions in which our olive trees flourish.

Polyphenols, nature's defence

Olive trees have extremely powerful defence systems, enabling them to live for centuries. We grow Olea europaea olive trees (found extensively in the Mediterranean) because they are rich in polyphenols - the naturally-occuring plant compounds that help to protect trees from disease, pests, droughts and extremes of hot and cold. 

For health, for wellbeing, for life

Several scientific and clinical studies have shown that olive leaf extract may provide cardiovascular health benefits – helping to support maintenance of normal blood pressure and normal blood sugar levels. Further studies show that olive leaf extract is a powerful, plant-based antioxidant that can support general wellbeing.



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